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Town River Stewards Committee

Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2005

Location: Bridgewater Public Library
Attendees: Michael Enos, Jim Revil, Ralph Galante, Warren Turner, Kent Kreutler, Skip Copeland, Carole Smudin, Jim Howell

There was a report from Jim Revil about the meeting held to discuss the idea of a bridge over the Town River near Julio's Cafe. This appears to be less likely to receive funding at present because of construction requirements at the site.

Jim is working to get access clarified at the Stiles and Hart site for a launch site improvement there.

Warren Turner and Jim Howell reported on their tour of put in sites at the Scotland St Bridge. It would appear that the NE edge at the current bridge could be modified nicely into a good launch site compared to the other choices. Parking could be utilized along the road and at a pull in site about 700 ft south of the bridge. A rough map will be made by Warren and given to Kitty Doherty as the NRTB and Taunton Scenic River representative to pass onto the parties who have volunteered donations to help this project. Clarification will also be sought for the status of the swampy land south of the drainage canal and access road just north of the bridge. It was thought that that land might have been traded to the Town of W Bridgewater by Cumberland Farms in exchange for the latter being allowed to take over an access road from Skim Milk Bridge to Scotland St which they incorporated into one of their cornfields.

No clean up programs were scheduled because water levels are still too high. It was noted however that littering and dumping have resumed at a significant level around Scotland St Bridge.

The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 PM at the Bridgewater Public Library on Thursday, May 12, 2005.

Submitted by Jim Howell

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