The Town River ...connecting the Bridgewaters
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Town River Stewards Committee

Meeting Minutes
June 9, 2005

Location: Bridgewater Public Library
Attendees: Jose Colon, Michael Enos, Ralph Galante, and Kent Kreutler

Discussion centered on continued efforts to develop canoe launch areas at the Scotland Street bridge in West Bridgewater and Stiles and Hart Parkland in Bridgewater.

Scotland Street Bridge:

Ralph Galante will contact Warren Turner to obtain information regarding abutters to the proposed canoe launch area. Ralph will then investigate ownership.

Mike Enos will contact Kitty Doherty to discuss coordination of efforts for this canoe launch project, as referenced in Kitty's email dated May 17, 2005. Mike will identify contact persons for each interested group and obtain contact information.

Kent Kreutler will receive contact information from Mike Enos and contact interested groups to schedule and arrange a meeting.

Stiles and Hart Parkland:

Prior to the Bridgewater ConCom site walk on May 14, Jim Revil discovered that the proposed location for the canoe launch may be privately owned.

After viewing the proposed canoe launch site and access on May 14, the ConCom representative agreed that the location was suitable for access, canoe launching and parking with the following conditions:

  1. Determine property boundaries. Contact property owner, as necessary, to negotiate using property to access river, launch canoes and park vehicles.
  2. When and if necessary permissions are obtained:
    1. Place hay bales and silt fence to protect river in areas that will be developed;
    2. Grade access, launch, and parking areas to remove or level piles and obstructions;
    3. Stabilize the graded areas to prevent erosion and run-off by planting grass, or laying stone dust or other suitable materials.

The next TRSC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 14, 2005 @ 6:30 P.M. at the Bridgewater Public Library.

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