Town River Stewards Committee
Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2006
Location: Bridgewater Public Library
Attendees: Paula Cantave, Kitty Doherty, Jim Howell, Kent Kreutler, Gil Solomon and Carole Smudin.
Old Business:
We reviewed the visit of Doug Cameron of Mass Fish and Game in the past month to check out the planned Scotland St. Bridge canoe put in. The State Highway folks did not come as we hoped they might. If Fish and Game are involved they pay for the input. It would not be a Rotary Club obligation.
Kitty was able to make some clarifications:
- The canoe launch site in E. Bridgewater involving the State Fish and Game is already under completion or completed with state money.
- There is another site in E. Bridgewater at Sachem Rock that is being worked on by the Rotary Club and the Land Trust.
- The launch site at Julio's Cafe area, known as the Town River Landing, is also underway, independent of the Rotary Club or the TRSC. This is new to our committee.
We now have to clarify the TRSC position with respect to the State Highway replacement/repair of the Scotland St. Bridge and the involvement of the State Fish and Game vs. going independently with the Rotary Club to put in an accessible launch site. We will have to see if Cumberland Farms can give access via their land adjacent to the the stream. Jim will try to contact Warren Turner about this.
The planned Duck Race Fund Raiser is now in question with respect to its purpose, site and timing, since the Rotary was interested in it for funding access sites. Since the Bridgewater site is now bespoken without involvement of the TRSC and our primary site on Scotland St. is under the schedule and perhaps funding of the state, we have to make contact with the Rotary Club. Jim will try to contact Fran Jeffries.
New Business:
We will try to see if the Tri Town 350th Anniversary plans would fit in with a fund raising duck race in War Memorial Park, W. Bridgewater, since parking and access is probably better there than at the Broad St. bridge in Bridgewater..
We will meet in three weeks, May 3, 2006 at 6:30 P.M., at the Bridgewater Library to sort out the plans for our involvement in the Duck Race fundraiser and to try to sort out the Scotland St. Bridge put in.
Submitted by Jim Howell
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