Town River Stewards Committee
Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2004
Location: West Bridgewater Public Library
Attendees: Mike Enos, Jim Howell, Kent Kreutler, Jim Revil
Reviewed and accepted minutes from the TRSC meeting on May 3, 2004.
Discussed clean up of Scotland Street bridge area on May 22, 2004. Overall, it was felt that we did a good job, and that the area looks much better. Mike Enos relayed that one participant in the cleanup (not in attendance) felt we should return to the area to continue cleanup, but no specific items or issues were listed.
Jim Howell will contact West Bridgewater town officials regarding arrangements to dispose of trash collected during river cleanup.
Decided to investigate the area in Bridgewater where Broad Street (Rte. 18) crosses the Town River as a potential site for the next cleanup. Jim Revil and Kent Kreutler will meet at that area on June 20 @ 10:00 A.M. to take photos and an inventory of items for disposal. Information will be provided to Bridgewater town officials in order to make arrangements for disposal before conducting cleanup of area.
The next TRSC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 7, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. in the Bridgewater Public Library. Jim Howell will reserve the meeting room.
- Submitted by Kent Kreutler
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