Town River Stewards Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 1, 2004
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Enos at 7:05 PM in the Bridgewater Library meeting room. There were 9 members including him.
OLD BUSINESS: Many of the projects from our last meeting had been addressed. The Public Works Dept of both W. Bridgewater and Bridgewater will accept debris that we acquire on a cleanup day. Mr. Enos was able to set up the use of a clam shell type crane for hauling out heavy items. Contact was made with the Boy Scouts of W. Bridgewater for possible future help.
Kent Kreutler presented digital pictures on a video screen showing the type of debris in the area of bridges in W. Bridgewater. As expected, the most significant amount and largest collection was around the Scotland St. bridge at the junction of the towns.
NEW BUSINESS: A mission statement for our group was discussed and Kent will write up a tentative one. While discussing a website for our committee it was felt we should explain how we came to be formed as a segue into our mission statement.
One of the obvious findings on examination of the roadsides along the river was the prevalence of fast food debris as well as beverage containers. One of the suggestions to try to control this material was to consider talking to the the fast food franchises in the area to see if they would help provide signage (with their advertisement if desired) to discourage trashing and perhaps even sponsoring cleanup of certain areas as we see happening along many highways in the state. Kitty will be contacted about this for two reasons.
1. She has probably already thought about it and may know the proper folks at the fast food places.
2. If she hasn’t, then she is the least confrontational person and hardest to say no to that we know and would be a good choice to approach said fast food people.
Scott Lussier showed us his beautiful and very helpful maps of the river and will make these availabe to us which is a priceless assist.
Contact was made with the Old Bridgewater Historical Society ( henceforth forever known as the OBHS) about identifying historical sites along the river.
At the next meeting we will try to set up the date for the cleanup.
Not a bad start for a new committee.
The next meeting is set for April 5 at West Bridgewater Library at 7:00PM.
The meeting was adjourned at about 8:35 PM .
- Submitted by Jim Howell
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