Town River Stewards Committee
Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2004
Location: Bridgewater Public Library
Attendees: Skip Copeland, Kent Kreutler, Jim Revil, Gill Solomon
Old Business: Completed cleanup of Broad Street bridge area on October 23, 2004. (see ). Jim Revil and Bill Bumpus were also able to clear additional obstructions (i.e., very large logs) from the upstream side of the bridge this past weekend.
New Business: Discussed possible future activities for the Town River Stewards Committee including:
- Assisting the Lincoln Club with their plans to conduct a river cleanup from Bettencourt's in West Bridgewater to the Lincoln Club in Bridgewater The TRS can assist with publicizing the cleanup and taking photos. Jim Revil will notify the committee when a date is selected.
- Developing a canoe launch area in the Stiles and Hart conservation parkland in Bridgewater. Jim Revil will look into an opportunity with a state agency to provide a grant for creating a car top canoe access area.
- Developing a canoe launch area by the Scotland St. bridge in West Bridgewater. Since the bridge is going to be replaced, it might be a good time to improve the canoe access and parking area. Kent Kreutler will contact Jim Howell regarding whom we should contact in West Bridgewater to pursue this idea.
- Organizing a "Spring River Cruise" to promote awareness of the recreational use of the Town River. The section of the river from Ash St. in West Bridgewater to the Lincoln Club in Bridgewater was tentatively selected as a good location to hold the 'cruise'. Skip Copeland will bring up the idea at the next NRTB board meeting for purposes of inviting NRTB members to participate in the cruise.
The next TRSC meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 6, 2004 at 6:00 P.M. in the Bridgewater Public Library.
Submitted by Kent Kreutler on November 1, 2004
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