Town River Stewards Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2006
Location: Bridgewater Public Library
Attendees: Kent Kreutler, Jim Howell, Carole Smudin, Gil Solomon
Minutes of last meeting accepted.
A brief discussion about the function of the TRSC at this point led to agreement that the mission at this time is to return to care for the river and try to get back to cleanup at this time. Since the Town River Landing in Bridgewater is going to provide a landing off of Spring St. with funding in place and there is a landing in place or nearly so in East Bridgewater, good things are happening. In West Bridgewater the Scotland St. Bridge repair by the state is coming sometime in the future so the possible placement of a landing there will be on hold for the present.
The group felt that fundraising at the present is probably not appropriate. We had originally thought that the proposed duck race fund raiser was going to be needed quickly for helping to fund a landing. We thank the Rotary Club, but feel that should be held off at present, particularly until the Scotland St. Bridge repair is settled.
Warren Turner could not attend the meeting tonight but he had not been able to get in contact with his contact at Cumberland Farms about getting access to some land abutting the Town River at Scotland St. Bridge for a canoe put in. It sounds as though that will require dealing with John Peck of Cumberland Farms.
We will contact the Rotary Club group et. al. about tonight's meeting.
We set up a tentative date of June 4 at 9:00 AM to meet at the boat launch at the Nip to canoe the river to clean up and assess further needs.
Kitty Doherty will be contacted to about the possibility of talking with John Peck re: land for the river access at the Scotland St. Bridge.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM
Submitted by Jim Howell
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