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Town River Stewards Committee

Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2006

Location: Bridgewater Public Library
Attendees: Jim Howell, Fran Jeffries, Kent Kreutler, Gill Solomon, Carole Smudin and Warren Turner

Old Business:

  1. Good news as the TRWA has given $1250 and the Rotary Club an equal amount to be used to provide canoe launches. These are to be ADA use launch sites.
  2. Ducks for the duck race fundraiser have been located. Betty Mazzone has obtained the use of 1000 and Warren Turner has gotten 400.

New Business:

  1. Carol Smudin will help Betty with setting up the ducks for the race. The date selected is June 24 with the rain date on the 25th. The reason for the date is because it is the weekend of the 350th anniversary of the Bridgewaters. The race was discussed as being held at the Broad St. Bridge in Bridgewater.
  2. Pat Lee and Roger Hanson have spoken to the Rotary Club about providing gravel and truck(s) for making the launch sites. Also the Boy Scout leadership in Bridgewater has volunteered scout helpers. The planned site at Scotland St Bridge will be done by the state when they replace that bridge.
  3. The Rotary Club is planning to help develop canoe launch sites at Titicut St., Sachem Rock and Scotland St. (Note: the Sachem Rock and Titicut St. sites are not along the Town River, and are beyond the scope of the Town River Stewards - though we're certainly willing to help.) Jim Howell will contact Doug Cameron of Mass. Fish and Wildlife to review the sites and get help with design, etc. Once we know when he is available, Jim will contact Kent Kreutler, Warren Turner and Bob Frederick of NRTB to go along with Doug Cameron to see the site(s). Fran will provide the contact numbers for Doug and Bob Frederick.
  4. The wish date is this summer ~ early August for the first launch site to be opened.

The next TRSC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, 2006 @ 6:30 P.M. at the Bridgewater Public Library to further solidify the fundrasing duckathon.

Submitted by Jim Howell

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